Business Studies

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Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11)

At Key Stage 4 we offer GCSE (9-1) Business through examination board, Pearson Edexcel.

Studying GCSE Business Studies will engage a learner into understanding what is needed to start up a new business of their own and covers the important elements of marketing, customer focus and finance. They will also develop practical business skills such as problem solving, creative thinking and decision making which are of demand by employers.

Full details in KS4 brochure

Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form)

Business (Two year A Level course) Examination board: Pearson Edexcel.

Economics A (Two year A level course) Examination Board: Pearson Edexcel.

Full details in KS5 brochure

Head of Department

Mr D Hayden

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