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Omerod Resource Base

The SENSS Ormerod Resource Base at The Marlborough School is a support base for students who need additional support due to barriers to learning arising from their physical disabilities (PD), including medical needs,  and communication and interaction (C&I) differences and who are learning at The Marlborough School. There are roughly 12 places for PD and 12 for C&I students split across the year groups with between three and six students in each year group.

Our primary goal is to promote confidence in young people – in themselves and their abilities. Some students require higher levels of support than others, but we always look for opportunities for young people to learn that they can do things for themselves and feel successful – whatever that might look like for them.

Support at the ORB is provided in a number of different ways.  For instance:

·       TA support within lessons as needed

·       TA support in the Base

·       Peer and teacher support in lessons

·       Small group work within lessons

·       Small group work in the Base

·       Personal care/toileting/assisting with medical needs

·       Assistance with technology and developing skills for recording and speech communication devices

·       Enabling communication with staff and other young people

·       Enabling access to Educational Visits off site

·       Supervision at social times/meal times

·       Liaison with The Marlborough School support and teaching staff

·       Liaison with NHS staff e.g. physio, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy

·       The ORB environment, including our accessible toilet facilities, therapy rooms and kitchen

Teachers differentiate the curriculum to accommodate individual requirements.

Hours of direct support per week from an ORB teacher, teaching assistant or therapist will vary according to the young person’s needs. This means that the young people will not always be supported by the same person or in the same way as they go through the school.

It is a great privilege to serve our young people and include them in the life of our school.

If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Nancy Gedge

SENSS Ormerod Resource Base Co-ordinator

Hannah Luker

SENSS Ormerod Resource Base Teacher

Caroline McNicoll

SENSS Ormerod Resource Base Teacher

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