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Labour Market Information

Up to date Labour Market Information (LMI) can assist you in your careers planning along with school prospectuses and curriculum brochures issued to you at Key Stages, for example Year 9 when choosing your GCSEs.

Career and Labour Market Information (LMI) includes information on:

  •  skills, career pathways and progression routes in the local labour market;
  • job applications and interviews;
  • educational institutions, courses, qualifications, entry requirements and costs;
  • professional bodies;
  • employment sectors, employers, jobs, salaries and employment trends;
  • jobs, training and apprenticeships;
  • job demands and working life;
  • financial planning.

The LMI is provided by the Office for National Statistics and its purpose is to inform young people and parents of the employment trends and career opportunities both locally and nationally. It will also highlight where there will be a need for a particular industry in the future so you will be able to plan your subject choices with your chosen career goals.

This information will be updated periodically.

OxLEP Labour Market Information



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